Conical bottom stainless steel wine containers: variable capacity Professional

The conical bottom variable capacity wine container is made in stainless steel and equipped by a painted stand.
The “variable capacity” system is suitable for fermentation and storage of liquids. The use of the pneumatic float preserves the contents even in case of various wine sample.

Capacity CODE D (mm) d (mm) H (mm) Tot./Part. Drain Vernished stand
200 CTF10003 584 560 1265
300 CTF10004 667 637 1366
500 CTF10006 766 726 1610
700 CTF10008 970 930 1366
1000 CTF10009 1070 1030 1610
1500 CTF10010 1194 1150 1860
2500 CTF10012 1364 1320 2160
3000 CTF10017 1364 1320 2550
4000 CTF10018 1644 1600 2350
5000 CTF10019 1644 1600 2850
7500 CTF10020 2050 2000 3050
10000 CTF10021 2050 2000 3560